
Your donation makes our ongoing activities possible!

Degrowth Vienna is an organisation independent of political parties and is dependent on private donations as well as project funding (both public and private). Your regular financial support helps us to continue our work, decrease the uncertainty of irregular funding, and thus enhance our playability. We are mainly a volunteer based association – though we have some remunerated coordination positions and ongoing costs for the IT infrastructure like the website and e-mail accounts, printing material for events, etc. Therefore we would greatly appreciate your financial support, either as a one-time donation (form below) or on a  regular base

If you want to engage actively in our working groups, projects and organizing activity, you join us as an active member!


Degrowth Vienna
IBAN: AT12 3412 9000 0022 5417
Bank: Umweltcenter – Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen eGen.

Thank you very much for your support!