Supporting member

Become a supporting member!

Degrowth Vienna is an organisation not affiliated with any political party and is dependent on private donations as well as project grants (both public and private). Your regular financial support can help us to continue our work, decrease the uncertainty of irregular funding, and thus enhance our resources and planability.

We are mainly a volunteer based association; however we have some remunerated coordination positions and ongoing costs for the IT infrastructure like the website and e-mail accounts, printing material for events, etc. Therefore we would greatly appreciate your yearly  financial support!

Support us as organisation? Write us an E-mail!

To become a supporting member of Degrowth Vienna, please fill in the form:

    Beitragsvorschlag / Suggestion for contribution:

    Students and/or low-income people - freie spende /free donation
    Good income and/or secure job - 120€/year
    Institutions and organizations - 240€/year